GEO Salud
It is a comprehensive solution for the care management of health centers.

It is a comprehensive solution for the care management of health centers with a successful track record in the market of more than 15 years of experience and evolution. It is based on a suite of components that provide support to the different healthcare areas and adapt to the characteristics and needs of our clients.

Electronic Emergency Medical Record
Management of clinical information of patients arriving at the Emergency Service. It has triage functionalities, pit administration, emergency nursing management, management of unidentified patients (NN), etc.
Electronic Hospitalization Medical Record
Management of clinical information of patients at the second level of care (Sanatoriums and Hospitals), with functionalities such as: hospitality, inpatient nursing management, management of materials and supplies, among others.

Surgical Block
Record of the activities carried out in each instance of the surgical patient care process. It allows modeling differentiated processes for internal and outpatient surgeries, allowing us to know in each instance of the process what stage the patient is in (pre-surgical, in surgery, post-anesthetic recovery).
Allows assignment of a surgical room to the patient. For each intervening role, the specific record is enabled according to its function: surgical block nursing, circulating, anesthetist, surgeon. The record of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist Sheet is included, an Operative Description sheet for each team involved in the surgery, a record of materials used during the procedure, among other functionalities.

Outpatient Electronic Medical Record
Management of clinical information that arises from patient care at the first level of care (Polyclinics and Clinics), both at the level of general medicine and the different medical specialties developed in the Institution.

AEH - Out-of-hospital Assistance
App to be used on mobile devices that enables health professionals to register and manage the information that arises from extra-hospital medical care (carried out outside the Institution), such as: Home Calls, Palliative Care, Nursing Home.

CTI (Intensive Care Center)
Management of the information that arises as a result of patient care in the Intensive Care Center, with specific functionalities such as: CTI Viewer (designed so that health professionals have an overview of the occupancy of the beds and can quickly and easily locate a patient, have their “summary view” and from there work with the different CTI functionalities), Score Calculation (ApacheII, Ramsay Scale, Downton Scale, etc.), Monitoring Panel (where you can see the general status of the most important controls carried out on the patient), Specific Procedures (placement of Chest Drain, Swan-Ganz Catheter, procedures with time counting, etc.), among others.

Day Hospital
Management of the Day Hospital, facilitating the administration of the chairs and supporting the staff involved in the administration of the schemes and the coordination of the different processes involved.
It allows the modeling of the Day Hospital care process, based on the indication of oncological treatment (scheme indicated to the patient).
Includes dose calculation for schemes that have components whose doses are calculated according to the patient's Body Surface or by the area under the curve formula and the management of the necessary information for sending to the Pharmacy module to begin the preparation of the scheme. , keeping the traceability of the steps carried out in the preparation.
Day Hospital Pharmacy
Reception, preparation and dispensing/administration of medications in the corresponding healthcare areas. Manages master medication tables modeled based on the SNOMED-CT international clinical terminology model. It receives single-dose requests from other modules, for example for patients who are hospitalized, and allows for recording their preparation and shipment. It also enables the modeling of oncological schemes in the Scheme Master and the registration of the preparation of the oncological schemes and each of the components that are included in its preparation.